December will be montrous for Fortnite gamers at all levels. The current instructions point to a series of events that will blow us up through some of the largest brands and characters of the long-awaited franchise crossover, such as Naruto and Star Wars: Boba Fett. We may also see the destruction of maps, with bombs, with lots of water, floods, and real “slippery feet” situations when we transition into the future.
The spoiler events of sources such as Fnbrintel suggest we are on the verge of changing the main sea, type. We see “violation lenses” with waves, surfaces, and “escape from the transition.” We see terms such as “catchup preteeport” for “players before they are covered using catch mechanics,” and “sideways spawn fx” which will be displayed “every time Spawner spreads spawning new creatures.”
It is possible that the last event will begin on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 9:20. That was the end of a taxi banner – and it fits in speculation and rumors suggest the start of season 3 and a release date like that.
Update: Obviously, we are looking at the Blackhole – transition event – at 5 and 6, and the event starts on the 7th. However, the island is unstable, and everything will be Wacky.