This week we peek at the December community day for Pokemon walking long before that day. As in the past, so it will also be with the end of the year this year, featuring Pokemon released throughout the year on the Community Day event from the total of 2021. The day of this community the mega-event will cover a total of 11 Pokemon specifically for individual community days.
The December 2021 community day event will actually be two days, total – both will have a special session from 11am to 5pm local time. The first of these events will display Machop, Roselia, Swablu, GIBLE, SNIVY, and FLETCHLING. The second event will include Eevee, Duskull, Shinx, Tepig, and Oshawott.
Most of the 2km Pokemon eggs will hatch and fall, with some very good content. Eggs that will fall during this event include Charmander, Weedle, Abra, Gastly, Rhyhorn, Electrazlazz / Elekid, Magmar / Magby, Magicarp, Pyoregon, Seedot, and Piplup.
There will be a special trading bonus during this series of events, including 25% stardust costs reduced to trade, and one extra special trade per day. This event will benefit from the closing of the new Pokemon storage expansion (from 4,500 to 5,000 Pokemon), as well as the item bag expansion limit (from 3,500 to 4,500).