Amazon Glow is an innovative and fun product that I will love as a child. It will return before the internet exists, before tablets and smartphones, and before we feel unpleasant that sister is always looking for the opportunity to watch us and sell products and services to us. Now, like my own children test this device, the situation is completely different.
Physical specifications
Amazon Glow is 14.2 “high, 5.6” width, and 5.4 “. It is without a mat, which is also needed to function. Matt is around 18.2” x 12.1 “, and he rolled into the included cardboard tube With a kit. You must keep the device connected to the outlet when going up and running.
This device has a 8-inch touch screen 1280 x 800 pixels. Amazon calls it a high-definition touch screen, but it feels like a kind of baseline quality panel, really. It works for what is meant to be done, but of course it is not suitable for any tablet computer that we are currently using. This touch screen is mostly used for initial calls and video calls.
Video Calls
Video calls with Amazon GLOW are easily accessed after all components are set. People at the other end of the line must have the right application to chat, and they are currently unable to use the Amazon API tablet (only iOS 14+ or Android 8+ on tablets). The end of another call must use a tablet to chat with Amazon Glow.
The true power of this device is in long distance calls with people who are good at using tablets. This might be the second nature of a young child, but part of the destination audience for this device is a remote family member who wants to communicate with a child. If you have a grandmother who has trouble finding out video calls with you or your child, using Amazon Light will not make everything easier.